In my book of dreams, pages appear and sometimes they go. What would life be without them, I knew that feeling, it then finally did go. When I put down the bottle, and started this new path, it's been less than easy, perhaps I'll find peace one day, in one of those chapters, but for now I wait.
He led his people out of bondage, where they toiled in slavery for hundreds of years. Great miracles he performed in the great escape, only for them to complain and complain. So there they remained for another generation, as their father led them from Egypt and set them free, the promised land of milk and honey they shall never see. For the father took them from bondages they knew well, but I as know all to well, change brings fear. She's being my biggest enemy, they rebelled. He took them from the irons, and cast down their plowshares. and into freedom, only for want to return. It was then it was what he already knew, he would have to take them out of Egypt but before their Journey forward, take the Egypt out of them.
So I wait, in my desert, as He had already brought me to my knee's. In the darkest hours, he sent me an angel, to save me from myself. I wait here in the desert, to find him in myself. My darkest hours, though yet still here, are not as dark as once they were, but today have hints of clouds of grey.
In my book of dreams I have a few numbered lists of shameless pride, those things one wishes, yet may never get to do. Written in red, though is the line of my destiny, those line I'm called to do, the directions to the promised land, if I'd only get up and do.
Put out your hand, to those who have hurts, habits and hang-ups and give them a shoulder to lean. When they are ready, or if the time is right, relate to them in my testimony, there is another life. That they need not be sick in soul anymore, and there is a new way of life. It is my lot in life to leave this planet earth, a little better when I got here, my legacy is the changes though Him he allows me to changes lives.
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